Thursday, September 22, 2011

Shell Voicings, and I'll Play Misty for You in a bit

Ok, after doing a little googling, and checking out online jazz piano resources, a couple of points:

(a) there is not an overwhelming amount of instructional material out there on the internet for jazz piano, and more apropos to the current discussion,

(b) those fifth-less dominant seventh voicing I mentioned yesterday are apparently known as "Shell Voicings", and actually they are used for major seventh and minor chords as well.  Actually, I don't see why you couldn't throw in a sixth on a major chord instead of a seventh, etc., etc.

Some resources:
Earl MacDonald's Jazz Piano Lesson
Jazz Resource Shell Voicing Page

Having learned that these are useful for all kinds of chords, I am tackling "Misty" from my real book--which has all three main types of chords, having ii-V7-I progressions in a couple different keys (Eb and Ab).  But I'm actually having a tricky time learning this song, even though it doesn't seem all that difficult.  Maybe it's a tempermant thing, but it's probably a matter of technique--I'm going for kind of a "pulsing" ballad rhythm with the left hand -- steady but not robotic -- and then the melody is light and delicate and switches between straight eight and triplet quarter notes, while moving around a bit within two octaves.

Maybe it's my technique.  Maybe it's because I don't like playing meaningless music. And of course, when it comes to music, it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing.  But I feel like it's a powerful instrumental piece, I want to be able to play it straight without having to jazz it up.  But maybe I couldn't play it with swing rhythms either and I'm just making excuses.

Hmm.  Rambling, definitely rambling.  I will be recording a version of Misty today or tomorrow though, as I feel somewhat comfortable with it (and actually I am almost there.)

Anyhow, hope I helped you waste a couple minutes of your nonexistence,


  1. Hi Malcolm,
    I enjoyed reading your article. I would love to hear your version of Misty. Is it available? BTW I found some written examples of shell voicings in this article. Maybe this will be helpful to your readers?

  2. Hi Rick,
    that is a helpful article, click this link for convenience.

    Also I do have a version of Misty on SoundCloud, my account name is malcolm81, there are apps for most platforms I think. Or if your browser can run flash then it's available enbedded in another blog post, Play Misty for You
