Saturday, October 8, 2011

Recieved "The Jazz Piano Book"

Hi everyone,

I got my copy of "The Jazz Piano Book", by Mark Levine, in the mail today.  Looking at it a lot of the stuff is familiar, but on the other hand it places much different emphasis on a lot of the stuff.  The shell voicings I have been playing is given half a chapter towards the end, with the rootless voicings in the the seventh chapter, for instance--whereas I thought they were both common.

Also, looking at the theory, I am not seeing a whole lot different from what I already knew.  And there is only so much discussion of rhythm patterns, etc.

But all in all there is definitely a lot in there, and I am sure I will learn a lot from it.  Expect a review at some point in the future.

Oh, another thing--there is no real discussion of blues.  I really don't understand this, I think a lot of instructors and performers underestimate the popularity of blues tunes, both die hard jazz fans and casual listeners really like them, so it would make sense for there to be a little coverage on playing them in this book.  But I digress.  Maybe a crash course in blues theory on this blog at some point, that's all I can do about it.

Anyhow, nothing else for today,

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