Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Virtual Analog Synth!

I have been having too much fun fiddling with different programs to use as softsynths on my computer, and I've been poking around at different sequencers too.  But so far it has been with generally little success, though I have decided that some things are not quite worth the bother right now for me, such as SuperCollider and CSound, but I might look into Pd (oh that's Pure Data for the uninitiated.  Yes, it seems like I was googling for "Pd" only yesterday!  Oh wait that was yesterday.) It seems a little more pick up and play, and honestly I just need something to sit on a MIDI channel and process events so even this seems like a little bit of overkill.

But the little gem in this whole bunch was a program called AlsaModularSynth, available from, which seems to digitally virtualize all of the old analog synth gear with the major addition that you can go polyphonic with it, and it sits right in the digital tool chain so you can control it with MIDI and then just take the digital audio out and go straight to effects processing or digital recording.  It is going to take a lot more fiddling to get to a comfort zone, but it was pretty easy to get it up and running for a test case.  I am hopeful that there are some nice expressive tones in there, but it seems a bit finicky, like the idea is to hunt down the sweet spots.

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