Saturday, September 24, 2011

F'ing Blues

Hi everybody,

I recorded a simple composition of mine called "F'ing Blues", it's a blues number, hence the term Blues, and it's in F, hence "F'ing".

anyhow, here it is:
 F'ing Blues by Malcolm81

or the link to it on SoundCloud :

Anyhow hope you like it.

I'm working on a rendition of Monk's "Round Midnight", and man it seems like everytime I try to learn a new Monk tune I realize I don't know anything about playing the damn piano or music in general.  But I more or less have it down as far as playing it goes, it's a question of how to improvise with it without messing with that oh-so-awesome atmosphere obtained by really simple means.

Also, once I figure out how to use some software to post music on the blog I will, and I will see if I can get some jazz tutorial stuff up for non-jazz musicians to get started with, and also to refer to in other posts where I want to talk music in more particulars than I have been able to as of now.

Ok.  Beat the buzzer, I've been trying to post everyday.  So hurray for me.

Till Next Time,

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